The Quick Tabs module - allows you to create blocks of tabbed content, specifically views, blocks, nodes and other quicktabs. You can find bellow all the appropriate instructions on how to create a block of tabbed View blocks and how to place this block inside a specific page.

1. Download and install the Quick Tabs module - through Home » Administration » Modules

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2. Create a Quicktabs instance through Home » Administration » Structure

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3. Add a Quicktabs instance

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4. Make the following configuration and Save Quicktabs instance
Title: Tabbed Views
Renderer: ui_tabs (From this option choose how to render the content)
Tabs: Latest Products/Latest Views with View Tab Type

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5. Create a new Basic page and keep the node/id

6. Place the new Tabbed Views block to the core Content region and Save this configuration

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7. Edit the Tabbed Views block and configure the Block Visibility settings

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8. Finally, visit your Basic page. You should be able to see inside this page your Quicktab instance

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